Have Questions About The N97’s v20 Firmware? Put Them Down Here!

Friday, November 20, 2009

I and a few other invitees will be attending a Q&A around the N97’s v20 firmware. We will be joined by Nokia representatives Frank Zillikens, the Lead Firmware Developer and Catalin Gheorghiu, a member of the technical team responsible for the recent firmware upgrade to talk about:

* Where you see the N97 going in the future.
* How you’re getting on with the device.
* What you do and don’t like about v20.
* What further improvements you would like to see.
* Why certain aspects of the Firmware are like they are – This is the one I’m really interested in.

I’m sure you have questions, so please put them down below and I will try and get an answer for you. Although I doubt questions like, ‘When will v20 be out for my region?’ will get a specific answer. Time is running out.